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Renowned Speakers

Joseph Rosado

Joseph Rosado

Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, USA

Zhenhuan LIU

Zhenhuan LIU

Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, China

Boulenouar Mesraoua

Boulenouar Mesraoua

Weill Cornell Medical College, Qatar

Romario M. Ramos

Romario M. Ramos

Medical Mission Group Hospital and Health Services Cooperative of Oriental Mindoro, Philippines

Elizaveta I. Volodyaeva

Elizaveta I. Volodyaeva

Head of the Department, Tsaritsyno Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled of the Department of Social Protection of the Population, Russia

Huan-Ling Yuan

Huan-Ling Yuan

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China

Corina O. Bondi

Corina O. Bondi

University of Pittsburgh USA

MAS Ahmed

MAS Ahmed

Queen’s Hospital UK

Neurogenetics 2024

Welcome Message

About Neurogenetics 2024 Conference

Neurogenetics 2024 | March 27-28, 2024 | London, UK

Conference Series LLC Ltd welcomes you to attend the 35th Conference on Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogenetics to be held in London, UK on March 27-28, 2024.

The theme for the conference this year is New Era in Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogenetics 

Details of Neurogenetics 2024 Conferences in UK:

Conference Name



Neurogenetics 2024

London, UK

March 27-28, 2024


Conferenceseries LLC Ltd organizes 300+ conferences, 500+workshops and 200+symposiums on Clinical, Medicine, Pharma and Science & Technology. Neurogenetic events are every year across UK, Europe, Asia, Middle East, Australia and USA that support Neurogenetic conferences from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 500 open access journals which contain over 30000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members. Neurogenetic 2024 comes under Neurogenetic medical conferences. 

With the coordination of the Organizing Committee, we are gratified to be framework the program for the  35th Conference on Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogenetics, March 27-28, 2024 in London, UK. Our conference includes a well-proportioned cast of speakers, covering both generous and precise topics of concernment. Our conference intents to provide neurology physicians, specialists, nurses, technologist, neuroscientists, professors, students and anyone professionally involved in Neurogenetics and Neuroscience with an opportunity to learn about the multiplicity of the Neurogenetics, discuss interventional procedures, look at sophisticated Neurogenetic practices and their efficacy and efficiency in the treatment of various Neurodegenerative cases, and comprehend practical constraints in improving healthcare. The Neurogenetics 2024 will be organized encompassing the theme "New Era in Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogenetics". Neurogenetics 2024 is comprehended of 19 tracks designed to offer widespread sessions that direct current issues in neurogenetic research affairs.

Millions of individuals across the globe are affected by Neurogenetic disorders – some are minor and others are critical. An extreme part of research is goiang on Neuroscience and Neurogenetics in the top Universities across the globe. Many companies are associated with various diagnostic instruments and other therapeutics. Besides these various societies and research labs are also associated in this research field.

This is a distinctive international meeting where Neurology specialist can meet their colleagues from around the world, and exchange ideas and new information in the field of Neuroscience and Neurogenetics.

The Program is designed for people who are actively involved in the management of Neurology. We have gathered a renowned international faculty, and attendees will gain the opportunity to learn and receive innovations about the latest knowledge in Neurogenetics and Neuroscience.

Neurogenetics 2024 invites all interested participants to consolidate us for this honoured event at the gorgeous destination London, UK. 

Why to attend?

International Conference on Neuroscience and Neurogenetics is among the World’s leading Scientific Conference. The two-day program will gather internationally renowned experts in the field of  Neurology and different Neurological diseases and provide a forum for presenting and sharing ideas at academic, conceptual and clinical levels. The speakers will highlight current challenges, research and clinical developments and offer their unique insights in their field of expertise.

The attendees can find exclusive sessions and panel discussions on latest innovations in Advanced Clinical Neuroscience and Neuro Surgeries and by:

  • Lectures from renowned speakers
  • Keynote forums by Prominent Professors, Doctors
  • Open Innovation Challenges
  • Poster presentations by Young Researchers
  • Global Networking sessions with 50+ Countries
  • Novel techniques to benefit your research
  • Best platform for Global business and Networking opportunities
  • Meet the editors of referred journals, Society and Association members across the Globe
  • Excellent platform to showcase the latest products and formulations in Neurology field

Target Audience:

  • Genetic/Biotechnology engineers
  • University professors
  • Neuro Psychologists
  • Neuro Chemist
  • Neuro physiologist
  • Neurosurgeons
  • Neurology organization & societies
  • Neuro muscular Specialist
  • Pharmacists
  • Pharmaceutical companies(Drug design & Discovery)
  • Neuroscience Association & Foundation
  • Neurology Specialist Doctors
  • Medical Students
  • Neurogenetic Scientists

Scientific Sessions

Track1: Genetics & Neurogenetics

Genetics is the investigation of qualities, hereditary variety, and heredity in living life forms. It is for the most part, thought about a field of science, however, crosses as often as possible with numerous other life sciences and is unequivocally connected with the investigation of data frameworks. Genetic qualities and neurology are contemplated together in a branch of science called neurogenetics, which concerns the improvement and capacity of the sensory system and in addition, the pretended by qualities in its advancement. Neurogenetics emphasizes the role of single genes without a network-interaction context when studying the nervous system. Neuroscience Conferences assembles an ideal stage for sharing and creating imaginative thoughts on the most recent improvements and future points of view in the field of neurology and neurophysiology.Neuron

  • Neuron
  • Neurological disorder
  • Neurodegenerative disorder
  • Neurological symptom
  • Genetic characteristics of nervous system

Track2: Neurodegeneration

Neurodegeneration is a procedure which prompts irreversible neuronal harm and passing and a typical last pathway exhibit in maturing and neurodegenerative infection. Neurodegeneration, the moderate and dynamic brokenness and loss of neurons and axons in the focal sensory system, is the essential obsessive component of intense and endless neurodegenerative conditions, for example, Alzheimer's sickness and Parkinson's ailment, neurotropic viral diseases, stroke, paraneoplastic clutters, awful cerebrum damage and various sclerosis. In spite of various activating occasions, a typical component is incessant invulnerable actuation, specifically of microglia, the inhabitant macrophages of the focal sensory system. Neurons are particular to transmit information all through the body. Exploring the challenges concerning excellence in Neurologists Meetings research and experimentation which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations, and Exhibitions.

  • Neurodegenerative disorder
  • Neurodegenerative diseases
  • Causes of Neurodegeneration disorder
  • Neurodegeneration effect on CNS
  • Treatment of neurodegenerative diseases

Track3:  Neuroimmunology & Neuroinfection

Neuroimmunology is a field of neuroscience, joining resistant framework and the sensory system. The resistant framework direct protection against these creatures, wastefulness of similar outcomes in Infections. The condition is much more regrettable in creating nations; it has been a noteworthy medical issue in Australia. Somewhere in the range of 350,000 to 500,000 patients experience the ill effects of different sclerosis (MS) in the United States. Neuroscience Conferences assembles an ideal stage for sharing and creating imaginative thoughts on the most recent improvements and future points of view in the field of neurology and neurophysiology.

  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Autoimmune neuropathies
  • Neuroimmune genetics
  • Neurovirology
  • Neuroinflammation
  • Neuroinfectious disease
  • Neuromodulation Alteration
  • Novel Drug development

Track4: Diagnostic Tools and Imaging Technique

Diagnostic tests and techniques are indispensable instruments that assistance doctors affirm or preclude the nearness of a neurological issue or other medical condition. A century prior, the best way to make a positive analysis for some, neurological clutters was by playing out a dissection after a patient had kicked the bucket. In any case, many years of fundamental research into the qualities of sickness, and the advancement of strategies that enable researchers to see inside the living cerebrum and screen sensory system action as it happens have given specialists capable and precise instruments to analyze ailment and to test how well a specific treatment might function. Neurodegeneration, the moderate and dynamic brokenness and loss of neurons and axons in the focal sensory system, is the essential obsessive component of intense and endless neurodegenerative conditions, for example, Alzheimer's sickness and Parkinson's ailment, neurotropic viral diseases, stroke, paraneoplastic clutters, awful cerebrum damage and various sclerosis. In spite of various activating occasions, a typical component is incessant invulnerable actuation, specifically of microglia, the inhabitant macrophages of the focal sensory system. Exploring the challenges concerning excellence in Neurodegeneration Congress research and experimentation which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions.

  • Neurological examination
  • X-Ray
  • Fluoroscopy
  • Angiography
  • Biopsy
  • Brain Scans
  • Computed  tomography
  • Discography

Track5: Neurological Rehabilitation & Genetic Counseling 

Neurological rehabilitation is a specialist regulated program intended for individuals with sicknesses, injury, or clutters of the sensory system. Neurological restoration can frequently enhance work, lessen side effects, and enhance the prosperity of the patient. Neurodegeneration, the moderate and dynamic brokenness and loss of neurons and axons in the focal sensory system, is the essential obsessive component of intense and endless neurodegenerative conditions, for example, Alzheimer's sickness and Parkinson's ailment, neurotropic viral diseases, stroke, paraneoplastic clutters, awful cerebrum damage and various sclerosis. In spite of various activating occasions, a typical component is incessant invulnerable actuation, specifically of microglia, the inhabitant macrophages of the focal sensory system.

  • Neurorehabilitation feature
  • Acute rehabilitation
  • Occupational  rehabilitation
  • Genetic counseling for neurogenetic diseases

Track6: Alzheimers and Dementia

neurological issue is any turmoil of the sensory system. Basic, biochemical or electrical variations from the norm in the cerebrum, spinal line or different nerves can bring about a scope of side effects. Cases of side effects incorporate loss of motion, muscle shortcoming, poor coordination, loss of sensation, seizures, perplexity, torment and modified levels of cognizance. There are numerous perceived neurological issue, some generally normal, however numerous uncommon. They might be evaluated by neurological examination and contemplated and treated inside the specialties of neurology and clinical neuropsychology. A neurological issue is any turmoil of the sensory system. Basic, biochemical or electrical variations from the norm in the cerebrum, spinal line or different nerves can bring about a scope of side effects. Cases of side effects incorporate loss of motion, muscle shortcoming, poor coordination, loss of sensation, seizures, perplexity, torment and modified levels of cognizance. There are numerous perceived neurological issue, some generally normal, however numerous uncommon. They might be evaluated by neurological examination, and contemplated and treated inside the specialties of neurology and clinical neuropsychology.

  • Causes of Alzheimer
  • Diagnosis and Prevention
  • Alzheimer’sMemory Disorders & Neurologic problems
  • Animal Models for Alzheimer
  • Brain Aging
  • Vascular Dementia and Stroke

Track7: Neuropharmacology

The increment in innovation and our comprehension of the sensory system has prompt the advancement of medications and drugs in the two principal branches i.e. sub-atomic and behavioral past our creative energy that has kept on ascending with an expansion in sedate specificity and affectability. current point to be talked about is New pharmacological methodologies for the treatment of the neural issue, tranquilize improvement in cell flagging and synaptic spasticity, and the most recent headway in neuropharmacological treatment and medical advancement in this specific segment. Neuroscience Meeting assembles an ideal stage for sharing and creating imaginative thoughts on the most recent improvements and future points of view in the field of neurology and neurophysiology.

  • Basic principle of Neuropharmacology
  • New receptors & new Drugs
  • Importance of CNS pharmacology
  • Therapeutic index
  • Drug targeting

Track8: Pediatric Neurology

The pediatric neurogenetic issue are sicknesses of the brain, spinal string, nerves and muscles that are caused by changes in genes or chromosomes. There are many neurogenetic issues that may display in altogether different ways. They may cause issues from birth or just wind up plainly clear in later adolescence. They incorporate mutations in the brain, neurodevelopmental disorder, hereditary disorders and issues, for example, seizures, loss of muscle tone, adjust and learn. Neurology Conferences is a distinctive platform to bring together global distinguished academics in the field of Neuroscience, Neurosurgery.

  • Pediatric neurogenetic disorder
  • Neurodevelopmental disorder
  • Perinatology & child health
  • Neonatology
  • Pulmonology

Track9: Neuro-ophthalmology

Neuro-Ophthalmology is the forte that is worried about visual side effects coming about because of cerebrum illnesses. The visual manifestations can be isolated into visual misfortune or issues with eye developments. Visual misfortune may come about because of issues inside the optic nerve or its associations with the visual bits of the cerebrum. The eye resembles a camera, and pictures are centered around the retina. The optic nerve is the link that takes these pictures to the cerebrum. There are a few sections of the mind that are included with exact control of eye developments. Trouble inside these areas frequently creates misalignment of the eyes with resultant twofold vision. Any of a few procedures may influence the optic nerve or its associations; including strokes, irritation, various sclerosis or tumors. Neurons are particular to transmit information all through the body. Exploring the challenges concerning excellence in Neurologists Meetings research and experimentation which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions.

  • Neuro-ophthalmologist
  • Causes of neuro-ophthalmology
  • Treatment of neuro-ophthalmology

Track10: Neuro-Oncology & Neurology

Neuro-oncology may study about mind Also spinal line neoplasms, A large number of which would (at minimum eventually) exceptionally risky What's more life-undermining (astrocytoma, glioma, glioblastoma multiforme, ependymoma, pontine glioma, Also mind stem tumors are "around the large portions cases about these). Neuro oncology and Neurology is going to be discuss in Neurogenetics Events.

  • A primary tumor in the nervous system
  • A metastatic tumor in the nervous system
  • Epidemiology

Track11: Neuro Pathology

Neuropathology is the investigation of focal and fringe sensory tissue in grown-ups and kids. The essential concern is the determination of mind tumors, and neuropathologists are frequently ready to give a preparatory analysis to the neurosurgeon while the patient is still on the working table. Sentiments, including an understanding of uncommon stains and atomic tests, will manage different individuals from the multidisciplinary group when settling on treatment procedures. Neuroscience Conferences assembles an ideal stage for sharing and creating imaginative thoughts on the most recent improvements and future points of view in the field of neurology and neurophysiology. Most work is on the living, yet neuropathologists are additionally in charge of posthumous cerebrum examination, for instance, to order types of dementia, explore conceivable hereditary conditions, and survey injury. They take a gander at muscle to analyze acquired and obtained muscle infections, nearby fringe nerve tests.

  • Neurocytology
  • Nutritional disorder
  • Metabolic disorder
  • Myopathology
  • Peripheral neuropathy

Track12: Neuro Cardiology & Strokes

Neuroimaging is the beheld action of academician and afraid system. Through neuroimaging analysis of accepted cachet and progression of neurodegenerative, psychiatric, intracranial ache the is possible. Neuroimaging includes assorted techniques such as PET, MRI, and CT for diagnosis. Neuroscience Conferences assembles an ideal stage for sharing and creating imaginative thoughts on the most recent improvements and future points of view in the field of neurology and neurophysiology.

A stroke may be An "brain attack". It camwood happen on Any individual during whatever period. It happens The point when blood stream should a territory from claiming cerebrum will be cut off. At this happens, cerebrum units need aid denied of oxygen Furthermore start on bite the dust. When cerebrum phones pass on Throughout An stroke, abilities controlled Toward that region of the cerebrum for example, such that memory What's more muscle control need aid lost. How an individual will be influenced by their stroke relies on respect to the place the stroke happens in the cerebrum what's more entryway significantly that cerebrum is harmed. For example, somebody who needed An little stroke might main have minor issues, for example, the transitory shortcoming of an arm or leg. Kin who have bigger strokes might make lasting press fabric deadened around particular case side.

  • Epidermiology
  • Heart and brain disorder
  • Clinical case report
  • Cardiac nursing
  • Cardiovascular systems
  • Neurocardiac axis link
  • Arrhythmias
  • Imbalance of autonomic neural Inputs
  • Changes in neural oscillations
  • Maintaining homeostasis

Track13: Neuro Chemistry

Neurochemistry will be those ponder from claiming neurochemicals, including neurotransmitters What's more other particles, for example, psychopharmaceuticals and neuropeptides, that impact those work for neurons. This field of neuroscience analyzes how neurochemicals impact that operation from claiming neurons, synapses, Also neural networks. Neurochemists examine the natural chemistry and atomic science of natural mixes in the apprehensive system, What's more, their parts to such neural techniques Concerning illustration cortical plasticity, neurogenesis, and neural separation. Neurons are particular to transmit information all through the body. Exploring the challenges concerning excellence in Neurologists Meetings research and experimentation which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions.

  • Molecular Neurosciences
  • Computational Neurological Modeling
  • Chemical Neurobiology
  • Molecular Mechanisms & Regulation of Nervous System
  • Neural control of muscle
  • Immuno neurochemistry
  • Neuroinflammation
  • 1-1 Chemical Neurobiology

Track14: Nursing and Neuroscience

neuroscience sustain will be a nursing proficient that serves patients encountering neurological issues. This might fuse wounds, to the example, head Furthermore spinal damage starting with mischances, alternately sicknesses, to an example, Parkinson's infectionmeningitis, encephalitis, epilepsy, Furthermore diverse sclerosis. Neurology Conferences is a distinctive platform to bring together global distinguished academics in the field of Neuroscience, Neurosurgery

  • neurosurgery
  • Neurotrauma
  • Neuroscience critical/intensive care
  • Long-term neurological conditions
  • Life-limiting neurological conditio

Track 15: Ataxia

Ataxia is a neurological sign comprising of absence of deliberate coordination of muscle developments that incorporates walk irregularity. Ataxia is a non-particular clinical sign suggesting brokenness of the parts of the sensory system that arrange development, for example, the cerebellum. Ataxia can be restricted to the other side of the body, which is alluded to as hemiataxia. A few conceivable causes exist for these examples of neurological brokenness.

  • Cerebellar Ataxia
  • Sensory Ataxia
  • Vestibular Ataxia
  • Hypothyroidism

Track16: Neurogenetic Exploration

The most recent two decades need to be brought colossal advancement As far as exact atomic diagnoses and information of the genes and pathways that would include over an expansive amount of neurological Also psychiatric issue. Likewise, new systems Also explanatory approaches, including genome exhibit investigations and “next-generation” sequencing technologies, are bringing us deeper insights under those unpretentious complexities of the hereditary structural engineering that determines our dangers to this issue. As we Notwithstanding try to interpret these discoveries once again should clinical applications, a real test for those field will be On bridging those hole the middle of genes and science. In this diagram for Neuron’s extraordinary Audit issue for neurogenetics, we reflect once Advance settled on again the most recent two decades Furthermore highlight those tests and in addition those energizing chances to what's to come.

  • Neurodiagnostic criteria for M.Sg
  • Pittsburg  sleep qualities index
  • Treatment by rDNA technology
  • Neurobiology of Autism
  • Neurodegenerative disease: tackling tauopathy

Track17: Psychiatry and Psychology

Psychiatry is the restorative forte committed to the determination, avoidance, and treatment of mental issue. This incorporates different maladaptation’s identified with disposition, conduct, comprehension, and observations. See glossary of psychiatry. Introductory mental appraisal of a man ordinarily starts with a case history and mental status examination. Physical examinations and mental tests might be directed. Every so often, neuroimaging or other neurophysiological procedures are utilized

  • Psychology
  • Types of Psychotherapy
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Counseling and Psychotherapy

Track 18: Epilepsy

neurological issue is any turmoil of the sensory system. Basic, biochemical or electrical variations from the norm in the cerebrum, spinal line or different nerves can bring about a scope of side effects. Cases of side effects incorporate loss of motion, muscle shortcoming, poor coordination, loss of sensation, seizures, perplexity, torment and modified levels of cognizance. There are numerous perceived neurological issue, some generally normal, however numerous uncommon. They might be evaluated by neurological examination, and contemplated and treated inside the specialties of neurology and clinical neuropsychology.

  • Causes of Epilepsy
  • Epilepsy with age and gender
  • Impact of Epilepsy
  • Types of Epilepsy
  • Case stydy of Epilepsy

Track19: Evaluation, Treatment & Management

The objective of therapeutic administration of neurogenetic diseases is to give control of signs and manifestations for whatever length of time that conceivable while limiting antagonistic impacts. Studies show that a patient's personal satisfaction crumbles rapidly if treatment isn't initiated at or not long after analysis. Neurology Conferences is a distinctive platform to bring together global distinguished academics in the field of Neuroscience, Neurosurgery.

  • Maintaining homeostasis
  • Evaluation
  • Types of Treatment
  • Care management
  • Clinical Trial
  • Symptomatic & neuroprotective therapy
  • Nonmotor symptom
  • Anticholinergic agent
  • Dopamine agonists

Market Analysis

Neurogenetics 2024 welcomes attendees, presenters, and exhibitors from all over the world to London, UK. We are delighted to invite you all to attend and register for the 35th Conference on Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogeneticsis going to be held during March 27-28, 2024 in London, UK.

The organizing committee is gearing up for an exciting and informative conference program including plenary lectures, symposia, workshops on a variety of topics, poster presentations and various programs for participants from all over the world. We invite you to join us at the Neurogenetics 2024, where you will be sure to have a meaningful experience with scholars from around the world. All members of the Neurogenetic 2024 organizing committee look forward to meeting you in London, UK.

Importance & Scope:

The aim of this conference is to stimulate new ideas for treatment that will be beneficial across the spectrum of Neuroscience.

Neurogenetics is the branch of science that deals with the better understanding of the genetic basis of Normal & abnormal function of nervous system. It also includes medical diagnosis and treatment of Neurogenetic diseases.

Conference Highlight:

  • Neurogenetics
  • Neurodegeneration
  • Neuro infection & Neuroimmunology
  • Diagnostic Tools
  • NeuroToxicology
  • Neuro Pharmacology
  • Neuro Pediatric
  • Neuro-Ophthalmology
  • Neuro-Oncology
  • Neuro Pathology
  • Neuro Cardiology & Neuro Imaging
  • Neuro Chemistry
  • Neurogenetic Researchers

Top Universities in Toronto:

  • University of Toronto
  • McGill University
  • University of British Columbia
  • University of Montreal
  • McMaster University
  • University of Ottawa
  • Laval University
  • University of Alberta
  • University of Calgary
  • Dalhousie University

Universities associated with Neurology and Neurosurgery in World:

  • Stanford University
  • University of California
  • University of South Carolina Beauport
  • University of Helsinki
  • California Institute of Technology
  • Yale University
  • Harvard University 
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • University of Chicago
  • The Kavli Institute for Brain Science
  • Cornell University
  • Dalhousie University
  • Leiden University- Neither land
  • Temple University USA
  • University Oklahoma
  • Boston Coll USA
  • Florida International University
  • King Saud University
  • Ain Shams University
  • American University of Beirut
  • Alfaisal University
  • Mansoura University
  • King Abdulaziz University
  • Assiut University
  • University of Edinburgh
  • University of Manchester
  • Cardiff University
  • University of Vermont
  • University of Amsterdam
  • Al Ghurair University
  • University of Dubai
  • Zayed University
  • Biotechnology University College Dubai
  • The Higher Colleges of Technology
  • Al Ghurair University
  • Al Falah University
  • Jumeirah College
  • Ghent University
  • Maastricht University
  • University of Melbourne
  • University of Queensland
  • University of New South Wales
  • University of Adelaide
  • University of Sydney
  • United Arab Emirates University
  • Middlesex University, Dubai
  • NYU Abu Dhabi
  • Zayed Universities
  • Kuwait University
  • New York University Abu Dhabi
  • University of Sharjah
  • Abu Dhabi University
  • German Neuroscience Center

Neurodegenerative diseases are related to neurons present in human brain. The global neurodegenerative disease market is expected to rise at a CAGR of 4.90% during the forecast period 2016-2023. The major driver of the global neurodegenerative disease market is rising aging population globally. According to the National Institute on Aging, 6.5 million people aged 65 years and above globally. The worldwide population of the oldest people of age 80 and above is anticipated to rise by thrice that is from 126.5 million to 446.6 million during 2015 to 2050.

Since the nature of the neurodegenerative diseases is complex, there are many factors that prompt the growth of the global neurodegenerative disease market. Some of the key factors include the rapid growth of neurodegenerative diseases across the globe and raising awareness about mental disorders. The rising geriatric population across the world increases the chances of occurrence of neurological diseases. Researchers are being conducted to find an effective treatment for neurodegenerative diseases can fuel the growth of this market. The major restraining factor of the global neurodegenerative disease market is the lack of effective drugs and therapies to treat the disease. Also, the lack of information about the causes of these neurodegenerative diseases hinders the development of drugs and treatment for the same.

With the advanced aging of the ‘baby boom’ generation in many Western countries, age-related neurodegenerative disorders like dementia and Parkinson’s disease (PD) are becoming a major healthcare problem. Approximately 10% of adults above 65 years and 47% of adults above 85 years suffer from dementia, 1–3% of the population above 60 years currently suffers from PD, while (partly) genetically determined neurodegenerative disorders like Huntington’s chorea or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) affect a considerable number of subject.

In Europe, 8% of Neuro researchers are going. In the USA 11% of Neuro research is going.

Related Societies:


American Board of Psychiatry and NeurologyAmerican Academy of NeurologyAmerican Society of Neuroimaging; American Spinal Injury AssociationAmerican Epilepsy SocietyAmerican Association of Neurological SurgeonsChild Neurology SocietyThe American Clinical Neurophysiology SocietyAmerican Psychological Association‎ ;American surgical organizations‎ ;Medical and health professional associations in Chicago‎ ; American Academy of Family Physicians‎; American Association for Cancer ResearchAmerican dental organizations‎; American Psychiatric Association


European Neurological SocietyWorld Federation of NeurologyInternational Brain Research OrganisationWorld Stroke Organisation;  Movement Disorders SocietyAmerican Academy of NeurologyAlbanian Society of NeurologyArmenian Scientific-Practical Union of NeurologistsAustrian Society of NeurologyBelarusian Scientific Society of NeurologistsAssociation of Neurologists in Bosnia and HerzegovinaBulgarian Society of NeurologyCroatian Neurological SocietyCyprus Neurological SocietyCzech Neurological SocietyDanish Neurological Society ; Estonian Ludvig puusepp Society of Neurologists & NeurosurgeonsMacedonian Society of NeurologyFinnish Neurological Association ; French Society of Neurology ; Georgian Society of NeurologistsGerman Society of Neurology Hellenic Neurological SocietyHungarian Society of Neurology Latvian Neurologists Association and PsychiatryIcelandic Neurological SocietyIrish Institute of Clinical NeuroscienceIsrael Neurological AssociationItalian Society of NeurologyLithuanian Neurological AssociationLuxembourg Society of Neurology ; Moldovan Scientific Society of NeruologistsMontenegrin Neurological AssociationNorwegian Neurological AssociationPolish Neurological SocietyPortuguese Society of Neurology ; Romanian Society of NeurologyAll-Russian Society of NeurologistsNeurological Society of SerbiaSlovak Neurological Society; Slovenian Society of NeurologySpanish Society of NeurologySwedish Neurological SocietySwiss Society of Neurology ; Netherlands Society of Neurology ; Turkish Neurological SocietyScientific Society of Neurologists of the UkraineAssociation of British NeurologistsNational Neurological Society of Uzbekistan

Asia & Middle East:

Turkish neurological SocietySouth Africa Neurological Society; Indonesia Pediatric SocietyRomania Society of NeurologyAfghan Neurological AssociationBahrain Neurosciences AssociationSociety of Neurologists of BangladeshChinese Neurological SocietyHong Kong Neurological SocietyIndian Academy of NeurologyIndonesian Neurological AssociationIranian Neurological AssociationIraq Neurological SocietyIsrael Neurological AssociationJapanese Society of NeurologyThe Jordan Neurological SocietyLeague of Neurologists of KazakhstanKorean Neurological AssociationKuwait Neurological SocietyNational Association of Neurologists of the Kyrgyz Republic ; Malaysia Society of NeuroscienceMongolian Association of NeurologistMyanmar Society of NeurologyOman Neurology SocietyPakistan Society of NeurologyPalestinian Neurological SocietyPhilippian Neurological SocietyQatar Neuroscience ClubSaudi Neurological SocietyClinical Neuroscience society SingaporeAssociation of Sri Lankan NeurologistSyrian Society of NeuroscienceTaiwan Neurological SocietyThe Neurological Society Of ThailandEmirates Neuroscience SocietyNational Neurological Society of UzbekistanVietnamese Association of NeurologyYemeni Neuroscience Society

Visa Application Documents

For conference attendance and participation, only Business Visa should be applied. Contact your nearest travel agent/visa information center/ London, UK Embassy for the correct application form.

All visas for visiting / London, UK shall be processed by respective authorities only upon submission of proper documents through the proper channels.

In case of non-furnishing of documents, non-adherence to guidelines visas shall be cancelled by respective authorities.

The minimum supportive documents that might be required while applying for / London, UK visa include:

Letter of invitation,

Abstract acceptance letter (if speaker),

Registration payment receipt,

Accommodation confirmation letter issued under conference letter head

For a letter of invitation and accommodation confirmation, payment of registration fees and accommodation charges is a pre-requisite.


PARTICIPATION OPTIONS: Neurogenetics 2024 Conference provides the participants with different modes or ways to participate such as Delegate or Speaker under either ACADEMIC / STUDENT / BUSINESS Category. 

  1. Keynote speaker: 35-40 minutes
  2. Speaker (oral presentation): 25-30 minutes (only one person can present)
  3. Speaker (workshop): 45-50 minutes (more than 1 can present)
  4. Speaker (special session): 35-40 minutes (more than 1 can present)
  5. Speaker (symposium): more than 45 minutes (more than 1 can present)
  6. Delegate (only registration): will have access to all the sessions with all the benefits of  registration
  7. Poster presenter:  can present a poster and enjoy the benefits of delegate
  8. Remote attendance:  can participate via video presentation or e-poster presentation
  9. Exhibitor: can exhibit his/her company’s products by booking exhibitor booths of different sizes
  10. Media partner
  11. Sponsor
  12. Collaborator

For more details about each mode, kindly contact: [email protected]

Young Research Award

Prestigious Award for Young Research’s at Neurogenetics 2024 – “New Era in Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogenetics”

Neurogenetics 2024 Committee is glad to announce “35th Conference on Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogenetics” on March 27-28, 2024 in London, UK focusing on the theme: “New Era in Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogenetics” Neurogenetics 2024 developments are maintaining their momentum. neurology Conference program delves into strategic discussions.

Neurogenetics 2024 Young Scientist Awards:

Neurogenetics 2024 Committee is intended to honour prestigious award for talented Young researchers, scientists, Young Investigators, Post-Graduate students, Post-doctoral fellows, Trainees, Junior faculty in recognition of their outstanding contribution towards the conference theme. The Young Scientist Awards make every effort in providing a strong professional development opportunity for early career academicians by meeting experts to exchange and share their experiences on all aspects of Neurology.

Young Research’s Awards at Neurogenetics 2024 for the Nomination: Young Researcher Forum - Outstanding Masters/Ph.D./Post Doctorate thesis work Presentation, only 25 presentations acceptable at Neurogenetics 2024 young research forum. 


  • Young Scientist Award recongination certificate and memento to the winners.
  • Our conferences provide best Platform for your research through oral presentations.
  • Learn about career improvement with all the latest technologies by networking.
  • Young Scientists will get appropriate and timely information by this Forum.
  • Platform for collaboration among young researchers for better development.
  • Provide an opportunity for research interaction and established senior investigators across the globe in the field.
  • Share the ideas with both eminent researchers and mentors.
  • It’s a great privilege for young researchers to learn about the research areas for expanding their research knowledge. 


  • Young Investigators, Post-Graduate students, Post-doctoral fellows, Trainees, Junior faculty with a minimum of 5 years of research experience
  • Presentation must be into scientific sessions of the conference.
  • Each Young Researcher / Young Scientist can submit only one paper (as first author or co-author).
  • Age limit-Under 35yrs
  • All submissions must be in English.

Past Conference Report


Neurogenetics 2023 Conference

Conference Series LLC Ltd wishes to acknowledge with its deep sincere gratitude to all the supporters from the editorial board members of our open access journals, keynote speakers, honourable guests, valuable speakers, poster presenters, students, delegates. Conference Series LLC Ltd on behalf of Organizing Committee Members, Editorial Board Members and Poster Judge congratulates the Best poster award for their outstanding contribution in the field of Neuroscience and Neurogenetics, and simultaneously encourages all the participants who tried to put their efforts in poster presentations and wish them success in their future research.

Neurogenetics 2023 is distinguished with the attendance of editorial board members of supported journals, scientists, young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities representing more than 25 countries, who made this conference rewarding and fecund. Our 34th Conference on Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogenetics has encrusted the below- The conference was initiated and embarked with an opening ceremony followed by a series of lectures delivered by members of the Keynote forum and Speakers. The peerless people who promulgated the theme with their exquisite talks were:

Keynote Speaker:

Title: Medical Cannabis for Alzheimer’s Diseases-Is it An Option?

Joseph RosadoLake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, USA


Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive and irreversible brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills and eventually the ability to carry out the simplest tasks. Currently, it ranks as the sixth leading cause of death in the United States and the fourth leading cause of death on the island of Puerto Rico and Colombia.

Medical cannabis is now a part of contemporary medicine, with physicians recommending a medical card in 33 states and two territories in the United States of America, for physiological conditions such as vomiting, migraines, multiple sclerosis, glaucoma, nausea, cell disease sickle cell disease, Parkinson's disease, sleep apnea, spinal cord injury, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, muscle spasms, and asthma, as well as psychological conditions such as anxiety disorder, insomnia, bipolar disorder, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Design/Methods: A literature review was conducted of the National Center for Biotechnology InformationU.S. National Library of Medicine PubMed from 2001-2019 specific to the topic of Alzheimer’s Disease and Medical Cannabis/Medical Marijuana/CBD/THC.

Results: Phytocannabinoid treatment can restore cognition in older animals and induce molecular changes that make them more similar to young animals.

Conclusion: The inherent polypharmaceutical properties of cannabis botanicals offer distinct advantages over the current single-target pharmaceutical model and heralds revolutionizing neurological treatment into a new reality of effective and even preventative interventional treatment and studies show that cannabis extracts can be used in safe way to improve symptoms of severe dementia.


After spending several years in central Florida working as an orderly/certified nurse’s aide, then an EMT, a paramedic, and a cardiac catheterization lab technician, Dr. Rosado realized his passion for the medical profession. He began chiropractic school at Life College in Marietta, GA, graduating cum laude with a BS in Clinical Nutrition and a Doctor of Chiropractic. After practicing for several years, he went to the Universidad Central del Este, in San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic, where in 2001 he graduated summa cum laude with his medical degree. In 2005 he completed his master's degree in healthcare management from the University of Phoenix and graduated magna cum laude. In 2018 he became a Diplomate of the American Academy of Cannabinoid Medicine.

Title: Study on the Repair and Remodeling of Cerebral Nerve in Children with Cerebral Palsy by Acupuncture

Zhenhuan LIUGuangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, China


Introduction Objective: To investigate the effect of and Acupuncture on brain plasticity and motor development in children with cerebral palsy. Investigate effect on mechanism of apoptosis of brain nerve cells, regulating the expression of neurotrophic factors, promoting the remodeling of nerve synaptic structure and motor development in young rats with cerebral palsy.Two:To evaluate the effect and mechanism of acupuncture on cerebral palsy.Three:The nerve repair effect of acupuncture on cerebral palsy.

Methods: In this study, 146 cases of brain injury and 1078 cases of cerebral palsy were included by randomized controlled study with ICF Gross motor function measure ;GMFM, Peabody fine motor function, Gesell, muscle tension, joint activity, Activity of daily living ;ADL, transcranial Doppler,TCD, skull B ultrasound, Brain Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI,Positron Emission Tomography SPECT, Diffusion tensor tractography DTI evaluation method.

Results: One: the recovery rate of extracellular space (92.3%) was significantly higher than that of the control group (70.8%) (P <0.05), Transcranial Doppler,TCD total efficiency (79.3%) was significantly higher than that in the control group (51.8%) (P <0.05). Acupuncture to promoting the development of neurological and cognitive movement under 6 months children, effectively reduce the neurological sequelae.

Two: The total effective rate of the children with cerebral palsy was 87% in the acupuncture group, which was significantly higher than that of the control group (P <0.01). The total effective rate of Brain MRI was 59.55% in the acupuncture group and 13.25% higher than that in the control group (P <0.01). The total effective rate was 91.3% in the 1 year follow-up group, which was significantly higher than that in the control group (P <0.01). the FA value of white matter fiber bundle was significantly higher than that of acupuncture at 60 times (P <0.05). The recovery rate of ultrasonous brain injury (86.7%) in acupuncture group was significantly higher than that in control group (64.4%) (P <0.05). The recovery rate of brain SPECT in acupuncture group was 96.4%, which was significantly higher than that in the control group (P <0.01).

Conclusion: Acupuncture rehabilitation not only promote the development of white matter and gray matter in children with cerebral palsy, but also promote the brain function of children with cerebral palsy remodeling and compensation, and promote social adaptation, language and other cognitive function development, children with cerebral palsy movement and Fine motor function development and recovery, improve the children's self-care ability.

Key Words: Cerebral palsy; Acupuncture; Nerve repair; Nerve recombination; Movement and Fine motor function; Cognitive function development


Zhenhuan LIU, professor of pediatrics, chief physician, doctoral supervisor, chief expert of Nanhai Maternity and Children's Hospital Affiliated to Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. Enjoy The State Council special allowance famous children rehabilitation medical experts. The first batch of leading medical talents in Guangdong Province.He was appointed as Visiting Professor of the Faculty of Medicine of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and honorary director of the California Autism Treatment Center.Evaluation expert ofNational Science and Technology Progress Award, Vice Chairman of Child Health Care and Health Education Professional Committee of World Federation of Chinese Medicine, vice president of Children Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation Branch of World Federation of Chinese Medicine.Vice Chairman of Children's Encephalopathy Professional Committee of Chinese Acupuncture Society. Deputy leader of Neurology Group, Pediatrics Committee of Chinese Association of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine."Chinese Acupuncture", "Chinese Child Health Care", editorial board member

Sessions and Tracks | Speakers:

1. Romario M. Ramos, Medical Mission Group Hospital and Health Services    Cooperative of Oriental Mindoro, Philippines

2. Boulenouar Mesraoua, Weill Cornell Medical College, Qatar

3. Huan-Ling Yuan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China

4. Elizaveta I. Volodyaeva, Tsaritsyno Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled of the Department of Social Protection of the Population, Russia

5. Manho Kim, Seoul National University College of Medicine, South Korea

6. Cohen Ilana, Immunity Pharma Ltd., Israel

7. Robert Buckingham, Fresno Pacific Univerity, USA

8. Salim Hirani, Clinical Psychologist, United Kingdom

By the endless support of the Journal of Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. Conference Series LLC Ltd is pleased to announce our 35th Conference on Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogenetics during March 27-28, 2024 at London, UK.

For more details visit:

Let us meet again @Neurogenetics 2024 at UK.

Mark your calendars for the upcoming conference; we are hoping to see you soon!

Neurogenetics 2022 Conference

Neurogenetics 2022 is distinguished with the attendance of editorial board members of supported journals, scientists, young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities representing more than 25 countries, who made this conference rewarding and fecund. Our 33rd Conference on Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogenetics has encrusted the below- The conference was initiated and embarked with an opening ceremony followed by a series of lectures delivered by members of the Keynote forum and Speakers. The peerless people who promulgated the theme with their exquisite talks were:

Keynote Speaker:

SmartCST- Platform for Stress Coping and Reduction for Patients under Social Risk and submitted to Chronic Stress

Joao Alexandre Lobo Marques, University of Saint Joseph, China


The impact of stress on mothers and children relationship can have negative consequences not only in the short term, but in the overall child’s development, affecting psychological, cognitive and physiological aspects. The use of new methodologies and techniques based on the most recent advances in neuroscience can support mothers in coping with chronic stress through planned activities carried out with the monitoring of biological signals, such as the electrical activity of the brain and heart rate. The SmartCST system consists on a computerized solution to support chronic stress coping and reduction in mothers under social risk, contiuously submitted to chronic stress from Fortaleza, Brazil. The system is based on the monitoring of biological signals during a pre-planned personalized activity program. Hair cortisol levels are considered as a biomarker of chronic stress and quantitative EEG (qEEG) in the beginning and ending of the program were conducted to evaluate the electric activity in specific brain regions. The system extracts statistics, nonlinear and frequency domain features from biosignals processing and transfer to the artificial intelligence module for pattern recognition and machine learning. For this, three dynamically interacting subsystems are used: 1) RAS – Relaxation Activities Subsystem: which consists in brain stimulation exercises for relaxation. 2) PS - Perception Subsystem: responsible for the monitoring and processing biological signals, retrofitting the RAS with automatic definition of activities, with the possibility of external interaction. 3) RMS - Results Monitoring Subsystem: the analysis of results with reports and dashboards of individual progress.


Alexandre Lobo is PhD in Bioengineering. He works as Associate Professor and Research Coordinator at the University of Saint Joseph-USJ, Macao SAR, China. In 2019, he founded the Laboratory of Neuroeconomics FBL/USJ. In 2021 he co-founded the Institute of Data Engineering and Sciences (IDEAS/USJ). His research interests are data analytics, artificial intelligence, applied neurosciences, and chaotic and nonlinear analysis of time series.

Sessions and Tracks | Speakers:

1. Jesus Lagunas Garza, Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez, Mexico

2. Nihar Ranjan Haldar, Nobel Medical College, India

3. Haifen Liao, Sun Yat-sen University, China

4. Ogungbemi Oluwajuwonlo Justina, University of Ibadan, Nigeria

5. Raffaele Pilla, St. John of God Hospital – Fatebenefratelli, Italy

6. Parisa Azizi, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran

7. Anitha Ayyappan Pillai, Institute for Communicative and Cognitive Neurosciences, India

Conference Series LLC Ltd wishes to acknowledge with its deep sincere gratitude to all the supporters from the editorial board members of our open access journals, keynote speakers, honourable guests, valuable speakers, poster presenters, students, delegates. Conference Series LLC Ltd on behalf of Organizing Committee Members, Editorial Board Members and Poster Judge congratulates the Best poster award for their outstanding contribution in the field of Neuroscience and Neurogenetics, and simultaneously encourages all the participants who tried to put their efforts in poster presentations and wish them success in their future research.

By the endless support of the Journal of Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. Conference Series LLC Ltd is pleased to announce our 34th Conference on Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogenetics during February 24-25, 2023 at Tokyo, Japan.

For more details visit:

Let us meet again @Neurogenetics 2023 at Japan.

Mark your calendars for the upcoming conference; we are hoping to see you soon!

Neurogenetics 2020 Conference

Conference Series llc LTD takes great honor in announcing the commencement of 33rd Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogenetics Conference on June 28-30, 2020. Neurogenetics 2018 has received a benevolent response from all over the world. This has been conducted with the aim and the categorical intent of promoting the developments of new perceptions and ideas for exploring the high level of knowledge reached by the scientific community on Neuroscience and Neurogenetics. The extremely illustrious conference hosted by Conference Series llc LTD was marked with the attendance of young and brilliant researchers, clinicians, business delegates and talented student communities.

This annual conference brought together eminent scientists, Neurologist, Neuroscience researchers, health care professionals, University professors, Neuroscience professionals in which many issues in Neuroscience research were discussed in depth to provide up-to-date information to the world. On the other hand, the meeting provided an opportunity for an open and animated sharing of ideas and experiences.

Conference Series llc LTD offers its heartfelt appreciation to all the Organizing Committee Members, Chairs and Co-Chairs, Speakers, Students, Media Partners and Editorial Board Members of Journal of Neurological Disorders, Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology and Journal of Neuroscience & Clinical Research who supported the conference in every aspect for the awe-inspiring exhibition at the venue.

We once again thank you all for the enormous exquisite response. This inspires us to continue organizing events and conferences for furthering the Neuroscience Research. Conference Series llc LTD therefore, is glad to announce its 33rd Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogenetics Conference on March 25-26, 2022 in Toronto, Canada

Neurogenetics 2019 Conference

Conference Series llc LTD takes great honor in announcing the commencement of 32nd Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogenetics Conference on November 19-20, 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. Neurogenetics 2018 has received a benevolent response from all over the world. This has been conducted with the aim and the categorical intent of promoting the developments of new perceptions and ideas for exploring the high level of knowledge reached by the scientific community on Neuroscience and Neurogenetics. The extremely illustrious conference hosted by Conference Series llc LTD was marked with the attendance of young and brilliant researchers, clinicians, business delegates and talented student communities.

This annual conference brought together eminent scientists, Neurologist, Neuroscience researchers, health care professionals, University professors, Neuroscience professionals in which many issues in Neuroscience research were discussed in depth to provide up-to-date information to the world. On the other hand, the meeting provided an opportunity for an open and animated sharing of ideas and experiences.

The conference was organized around the theme of Mobilizing Neurons to Rehabilitate. The event implanted a firm relation to upcoming strategies in the field of Neurology with the scientific community. The conceptual and applicable knowledge shared, will also foster organizational collaborations to nurture scientific accelerations.

The conference witnessed an amalgamation of peerless speakers, who enlightened the crowd with their enviable research knowledge and on various alluring topics related to the field of Neuroscience. The eminent personalities at the conference were Walter Bini, Healthpoint Hospital Abu Dhabi, UAE, Azza Attia, Bordeaux University, France, Najiha Syeda, Dwight School Dubai, UAE, Sami Salahia, GMRA, UAE, Marzia Afrin Ali Meem, Jinan University International Medical School, China, Vittorio Iantorno, Neuro Spinal Hospital, UAE, Hashil Hatif Al Hatmi, Almaha Academy, Qatar, Temitope H Farombi, University College Hospital Ibadan, Nigeria, Olusegun John Oluwole, Neuro Spinal Hospital, UAE, Pousette Farouk, Ain Shams University, Egypt

Conference Series llc LTD offers its heartfelt appreciation to all the Organizing Committee Members, Chairs and Co-Chairs, Speakers, Students, Media Partners and Editorial Board Members of Journal of Neurological Disorders, Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology and Journal of Neuroscience & Clinical Research who supported the conference in every aspect for the awe-inspiring exhibition at the venue.

We once again thank you all for the enormous exquisite response. This inspires us to continue organizing events and conferences for furthering the Neuroscience Research. Conference Series llc LTD therefore, is glad to announce its 33rd Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogenetics Conference on June 28-30, 2020

Neurogenetics 2018 Conference

Conference Series llc LTD takes great honor in announcing the commencement of 31st Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogenetics ConferenceMobilizing Neurons to Rehabilitate on August 13-14, 2018 in Dubai, UAE. Neurogenetics 2018 has received a benevolent response from all over the world. This has been conducted with the aim and the categorical intent of promoting the developments of new perceptions and ideas for exploring the high level of knowledge reached by the scientific community on Neuroscience and Neurogenetics. The extremely illustrious conference hosted by Conference Series llc LTD was marked with the attendance of young and brilliant researchers, clinicians, business delegates and talented student communities.

This annual conference brought together eminent scientists, Neurologist, Neuroscience researchers, health care professionals, University professors, Neuroscience professionals in which many issues in Neuroscience research were discussed in depth to provide up-to-date information to the world. On the other hand, the meeting provided an opportunity for an open and animated sharing of ideas and experiences.

The conference was organized around the theme of Best direction to challenge Neurogenetics and Neurodegeneration Researches. The event implanted a firm relation to upcoming strategies in the field of Neurology with the scientific community. The conceptual and applicable knowledge shared, will also foster organizational collaborations to nurture scientific accelerations.

The conference witnessed an amalgamation of peerless speakers, who enlightened the crowd with their enviable research knowledge and on various alluring topics related to the field of Neuroscience. The eminent personalities at the conference were MKhurram Sadiq, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation, UK, Ayesha Aslam, Muslim Mental Health, Islamic Counselling Services, UK, Zahed Maher, Cairo University, Egypt, Jolanta Zieba, Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University, USA

Conference Series llc LTD offers its heartfelt appreciation to all the Organizing Committee Members, Chairs and Co-Chairs, Speakers, Students, Media Partners and Editorial Board Members of Journal of Neurological Disorders, Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology and Journal of Neuroscience & Clinical Research who supported the conference in every aspect for the awe-inspiring exhibition at the venue.

We once again thank you all for the enormous exquisite response. This inspires us to continue organizing events and conferences for furthering the Neuroscience Research. Conference Series llc LTD therefore, is glad to announce its 32nd Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogenetics Conference, November 19-20, 2019 Istanbul, Turkey.

Past Reports  Gallery  

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date March 27-28, 2024

Speaker Opportunity

Supported By

Journal of Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery International Journal of Neurorehabilitation The Neurologist: Clinical & Therapeutics Journal

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by

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What People Say....

It is truly a great honor for me to have participated in the 34th Conference on Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogenetics(February 24th-25th ,2023) as a speaker. The conference program,especially  the keynote forum and also the panel discussion, were great; the speakers's experience and expertise were unique ;they have highlighted current and ongoing researches in the field of neurosciences and neurogenetics!!

Truly, I have enjoyed attending this conference.



Boulenouar Mesraoua, Weill Cornell Medical College, Qatar

Thank you for inviting me as well for the opportunity to present in this conference. It is an honor to be part of this wonderful endeavor and to be alongside highly esteemed speakers from different countries in the field of neuroscience and neurogenetics. I pray for your continued success and I look forward to be part of your future conferences.




Romario M. Ramos, Medical Mission Group Hospital and Health Services Cooperative of Oriental Mindoro, Philippines

Thank you so much for organizing such a necessary and useful conference! Very topical and important issues of medical science were discussed at the congress, there were interesting reports and discussions. This conference gives an opportunity to share the experience of scientists and doctors from all over the world! You undoubtedly make a great contribution to the development of such fields of science as Neurogenetics and Neuroscience. I wish you further development and new discoveries in science! 


Elizaveta I. Volodyaeva, Head of the Department, Tsaritsyno Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled of the Department of Social Protection of the Population, Russia

I was honored to attend the 34th Conference on Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogenetics as a speaker to hone my presentation skills. I learned a lot from other researchers' research, which will also inspire my research ideas. Interacting with scientists from different fields allows us to grow quickly as researchers in terms of research design, logic and rigour.


Huan-Ling Yuan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China


  • A Metastatic Tumor In The Nervous System
  • A Primary Tumor In The Nervous System
  • Acute Rehabilitation
  • Alzheimers And Dementia
  • Alzheimer’sMemory Disorders & Neurologic Problems
  • Angiography
  • Animal Models For Alzheimer
  • Anticholinergic Agent
  • Arrhythmias
  • Ataxia
  • Autoimmune Neuropathies
  • Basic Principle Of Neuropharmacology
  • Biopsy
  • Brain Aging
  • Brain Scans
  • Cardiac Nursing
  • Cardiovascular Systems
  • Care Management
  • Causes Of Alzheimer
  • Causes Of Epilepsy
  • Causes Of Neuro-ophthalmology
  • Causes Of Neurodegeneration Disorder
  • Cerebellar Ataxia
  • Changes In Neural Oscillations
  • Chemical Neurobiology
  • Clinical Case Report
  • Clinical Trial
  • Computational Neurological Modelling
  • Computed Tomography
  • Counseling And Psychotherapy
  • Diagnosis And Prevention
  • Diagnostic Tools And Imaging Technique
  • Discography
  • Dopamine Agonists
  • Drug Targeting
  • Epidemiology
  • Epilepsy
  • Epilepsy With Age And Gender
  • Evaluation
  • Evaluation, Treatment & Management
  • Fluoroscopy
  • Genetic Characteristics Of Nervous System
  • Genetic Counseling For Neurogenetic Diseases
  • Genetics & Neurogenetics
  • Heart And Brain Disorder
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Imbalance Of Autonomic Neural Inputs
  • Imbalance Of Autonomic Neural Inputs
  • Immuno Neurochemistry
  • Impact Of Epilepsy
  • Importance Of CNS Pharmacology
  • Life-limiting Neurological Conditiion
  • Long-term Neurological Conditions
  • Long-term Neurological Conditions
  • Maintaining Homeostasis
  • Maintaining Homeostasis
  • Metabolic Disorder
  • Molecular Mechanisms & Regulation Of Nervous System
  • Molecular Neurosciences
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Myopathology
  • Neonatology
  • Neural Control Of Muscle
  • Neuro Cardiology & Strokes
  • Neuro Chemistry
  • Neuro Pathology
  • Neuro-Oncology & Neurology
  • Neuro-ophthalmologist
  • Neuro-ophthalmology
  • Neurobiology Of Autism
  • Neurocardiac Axis Link
  • Neurocytology
  • Neurodegeneration
  • Neurodegeneration Effect On CNS
  • Neurodegenerative Disease: Tackling Tauopathy
  • Neurodegenerative Disorder
  • Neurodegenerative Disorder
  • Neurodevelopmental Disorder
  • Neurodiagnostic Criteria For M.Sg
  • Neurogenetic Exploration
  • Neuroimmune Genetics
  • Neuroimmunology & Neuroinfection
  • Neuroin?ammation
  • Neuroinfectious Disease
  • Neuroinflammation
  • Neurological Disorder
  • Neurological Examination
  • Neurological Rehabilitation & Genetic Counseling
  • Neurological Symptom
  • Neuromodulation Alteration
  • Neuron
  • Neuropharmacology
  • Neurorehabilitation Feature
  • Neuroscience Critical/intensive Care
  • Neuroscience Critical/intensive Care
  • Neurosurgery
  • Neurotrauma
  • Neurotrauma
  • Neurovirology
  • New Receptors & New Drugs
  • Nonmotor Symptom
  • Novel Drug Development
  • Novel Drug Development
  • Nursing And Neuroscience
  • Nutritional Disorder
  • Occupational Rehabilitation
  • Pediatric Neurogenetic Disorder
  • Pediatric Neurology
  • Perinatology & Child Health
  • Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Pittsburg Sleep Qualities Index
  • Psychiatry And Psychology
  • Psychology
  • Pulmonology
  • Sensory Ataxia
  • Symptomatic & Neuroprotective Therapy
  • Therapeutic Index
  • Treatment By RDNA Technology
  • Treatment Of Neuro-ophthalmology
  • Treatment Of Neurodegenerative Diseases
  • Types Of Epilepsy
  • Types Of Psychotherapy
  • Types Of Treatment
  • Vascular Dementia And Stroke
  • Vestibular Ataxia
  • X-Ray