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Hashil Hatif Al Hatmi

Hashil Hatif Al Hatmi

Almaha Academy, Qatar

Title: The effect time perception and emotional interference on autobiographical memories


Biography: Hashil Hatif Al Hatmi


Over the past three decades studies have investigated whether people are able to look back in time and perceive themselves from a field (first-person) or observer perspective. A major field of cognitive psychology looked at time perception and memory and depended on emotional factors. The objective of the current research was to investigate the relationship of time estimations and emotional interference on autobiographical memories and whether perception of the field/observer is related to the emotional factor. Two studies were conducted. In study-1 (pilot), participants were asked to recall a positive, negative or a neutral autobiographical memory dating three to six years prior to the study. In study-2, participants were exposed to all three emotional autobiographical memory conditions during the task. Finally, each participant was asked whether they could look back and choose if they could perceive themselves as first-person (field), or observer, or both in a given event. Results on both studies rejected the hypotheses and suggested no significant results. Participants showed no differences in their objective and subjective duration judgements of the original events and whether they perceive them to be first-person, observer, or even both. These findings suggests further study in this field is needed as under certain experimental methods, emotional interferences and time perception may have an impact on one’s autobiographical memory.