Walter Bini
Senior Consultant Neurosurgeon
Universidad de Zaragoza
Italian & U.S.A.
A longtime direct co-worker of Prof. Dr. Madjid Samii in Hannover, Germany. Besides general micro neurosurgery, special interest and expertise in the management of head trauma, neuro-oncology, stereotaxy and radiosurgery, spinal surgery including less invasive techniques and neuroradiology. Presently since 2014, Middle East Chairman of ICLASS. Active Member and Board Member of numerous international societies, among these: SAS, German Neurosurgical Society, AANS and the Skull Base Study Group. Fluent in English, German, Spanish, Italian and with knowledge of French. Since 2017, additionally, Lead Neurosurgeon at the Waldkrankenhaus for Special Surgeries by Leipzig, Germany-Trauma, Sport, and Spine Department.
Research Interest
Neurosurgery, craneo-encephalic trauma, neuro-oncology including stereotaxy and radiosurgery, spine surgery including less invasive techniques and neuroradiology.